Coatings On Conduit

Coating Process (a) Painting Process (for Medium Protection) Painting is undertaken in respect of black medium protection Rigid Steel Conduits after the tube is formed from raw material HR coil with the help of induction tube welding technology. Both the ends of the pipe are faced with the help of tools and the threads are formed at both the ends of the pipe and at one end a suitable coupler is fixed. After cleaning, the pipes are then dipped into a painting tank in a lanting manner so that the inner surface of the pipes also get painted and pipes are kept fully dipped into the tank till the bubbles / air trapped inside the pipes is fully taken care of. After this the pipes are put vertically on stand again in a slightly slanting manner so that excess paint get removed and gets drained into the painting tank. After this the paint is left to dry overnight and next day, after chemical and physical inspection the painted pipes are packed into the bundles.

(b) Galvanization Process (for High Protection)

(b) Galvanization Process (for High Protection)

Additional Information-

Mass of Zinc Coating

Mass of Zinc coating shall not be less than 360gm/m2 (50 Micron) as determined from the average. Results of two specimen taken from the opposite ends of the tube selected for testing. This mass of Zinc is measured by any one of the two method described below.

  • Mass before and after Galvanization
  • By way of magnetic method.


By measuring the thickness of coating with the help of Alcometer the mass of coating in gram per square meter shall then be calculated by multiplying the thickness in mm by a factor 7047.

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Sidharth Steel Tubes

Plot 17, Industrial Area Bain Attarian, Tehsil Indora, Indora, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh - 176401, India

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